
The vision of the Danish Research Centre for Migration, Ethnicity and Health (MESU) is to improve endeavours directed towards the health of migrant and ethnic minorities through interdisciplinary research, teaching, and dissemination of knowledge. Our focus is on causes of diseases, patterns of health, health care and policies related to migrants and ethnic minorities. Special attention is given to the role of social determinants and inequality in migrants and ethnic minorities' health and on the role and effect of the migration and integration processes on health.

The vision of the Danish Research Centre for Migration, Ethnicity and Health (MESU) will be achieved by:

  • Initiating and conducting independent interdisciplinary research on an international level regarding the health of migrants and ethnic minorities in their countries of origin, transit and residency
  • Promoting dialog and research collaboration in Denmark and internationally in the field
  • Contributing to building networks among researchers and other key actors and stakeholders in the field
  • Supporting and advising national and international health authorities, organizations and other stakeholders
  • Engaging in public debate, knowledge dissemination, communicating research and other outreach activities
  • Supporting, developing and implementing educational activities on all levels – pre- and post-graduate as well as continuous education.