Towards Sustainable Healthy Lifestyles Interventions for Migrants

SULIM was a multidisciplinary research project focussing on health among migrants in Denmark.
The project took a life-course approach covering health in different phases of life and across generations.






SULIM was a multidisciplinary research project focussing on health among migrants in Denmark.

The project took a life-course approach covering health in different phases of life and across generations.

In relation to socio-economic and health-related conditions, migrants and their descendants represent a vulnerable group. We sought to address preventative and health promotional aspects, which can contribute to better health among infants, children, adolescents and adults and, to complete the circle, reproductive outcomes. Studies have shown poor health among migrant infants and children/adolescents as well as a higher incidence of smoking, physical inactivity and overweight among some adult immigrants with a higher incidence of non-communicable diseases, such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, as a result. Moreover, studies also point problems in relation to the use of health services.

In order to prepare the foundation for development and completion of relevant preventative initiatives across institutions, SULIM conducted a cluster of Work Packages concerning potentials for prevention in different phases of life – during pregnancy and labour, overweight in toddlers, unhealthy lifestyle among children, adolescents and adults and the suboptimal health-care seeking behaviours among adults.

Qualitative methods were combined with quantitative epidemiological approaches, including survey- and registry-based examinations as well as intervention studies.

SULIM involved a multi-sectoral collaboration between research institutions, health authorities, healthcare providers and educational institutions. This ensured a unique and relevant setting for obtaining evidence-based interventions which were practically feasible and reflect the complexity of health and social problems related to migration. SULIM, thus, contributed to the promotion of migrants’ health, integration and participation in the Danish society.

You can download the completed report here, which includes the description of the various Work Packages and the results of the project. You can find the English summary here.










SULIM was a collaborative project between five research institutions. It was initiated and led by Research Centre for Migration, Ethnicity and Health (MESU) in a close collaboration with the other partners.

Research Centre for Migration, Ethnicity and Health
From MESU the following participated: Allan Krasnik, who as PI had the main responsibility for leading and coordinating SULIM including Work Package 1 in collaboration with Janne Sørensen and Marie Nørredam, Anne Bo who worked as a research assistant in Work Package 5 and Signe Smith Jervelund who was responsible for Work Package 6.

SFI – The Danish Centre for Social Science Research
From VIVE, Kathrine Vitus, responsible for Work Package 4, and Mette Kristine Tørslev, PhD student, participated.

National Institute of Public Health
From the National Institute of Public Health the following participated: Nanna Ahlmark responsible for Work Package 5 in collaboration with Knud Juel, Teresa Holmberg and Maria Holst.

Section of Social Medicine, Department of Public Health
From the Section of Social Medicine the following participated: Anne-Marie Nybo Andersen responsible for Work Package 2 in collaboration with Sarah Fredsted Villadsen, Laust Hvast Mortensen and Grete Skøtt Petersen (enrolled as PhD student).

Department of Food and Resource Economics (IFRO)
From IFRO Annemette Ljungdal Nielsen who was responsible for Work Package 3 in collaboration with PhD student Kia Ditlevsen participated.

Additional partners in the project was:



















SULIM report 2016

  • Health and inclusion of immigrants and ethnic minorities in Denmark. 
    The final report of the SULIM research project has been published.
    Read the report here (only in Danish).

Scientific articles

  • Recruitment of ethnic minorities for public health research : an interpretive synthesis of experiences from six interlinked Danish studies.
    Nielsen  AL, Jervelund SS, Villadsen SF, Vitus K, Ditlevsen K, Tørslev MK, Kristiansen M. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, January 2017.
  • Higher rate of serious perinatal events in non-western women in Denmark.
    Christensen MB, Villadsen SF, Weber T, Wilken-Jensen C, Nybo Andersen AM. Danish Medical Journal, January 2016 (accepted for publication).

  • From policy to reality: early overweight, structural barriers, and the allocation of responsibility in the Danish health care system.
    Ditlevsen K; Reventlow S; Nielsen A. Critical Public Health, December 2015.


















The international researchers/collaborators include:

  • Professor Walter Devillé, Netherlands Institute of Health Research (NIVEL)
  • Professor Karien Stronks, Amsterdam University
  • Professor Janet Rich-Edwards, Harvard University
  • Professor Camille Stoltenberg, Det norske Folkehelseinstitut
  • Professor Jamie Dollahite, Cornell University
  • Adam Fletcher, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
  • Kate Reed, University of Sheffield
  • Professor Anne Sigfrid Grønseth, Høgskolen i Lillehammer
  • Forskergruppen af to migrant-specifikke interventionsprojekter IMHAd og HELMI ved Malmö
  • Högskola, Lund Universitet og Uppsala Universitet
  • The Reproductive Outcomes Among Migrants (ROAM)-network (ROAM)- netværk, ledet af professor Anita Gagnon, McGill University, Canada










If you are interested in the information material "Knowledge on health and illness, doctors and hospitals in Denmark" and/or the teaching material "Information on Danish doctors and hospitals" please contact Signe Smith Jervelund